nonpalidece (argentina)

NONPALIDECE is a roots reggae band formed in the mid-90s in the city of Tigre, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Establishing itself in Argentina, filling the most emblematic places in the country such as Luna Park and El Estadio Obras, holding the record number of sold outs in La Trastienda; forming part of the most important festivals in the country such as Cosquín Rock, Baradero Rock, Pepsi Music and Quilmes Rock.
Nonpalidece represents reggae in Spanish made in Argentina, touring in Latin America, Europe and USA. They are one of the most popular and powerful South American roots reggae bands.
NONPALIDECE retains the original formation, and is made up of Néstor Ramljak (lead singer), Facundo Cimas on bass, Germán Bonilla on drums, Bruno Signaroli on guitar, Agustín Azubel on tenor sax, Martín Mortola on keyboard and Ariel Sciacaluga on percussion.
•They have released 6 studio albums so far: Dread al control (2000), Nuevo Día (2004), Spread the word (2006), The fire in us (2008), Activists (2013) and Nonpalidece (2021).
And two live albums: Nonpalidesenchufado (Album recorded live, 2008) and Living Memory (Recorded live album – Bob Marley Tribute, 2008).
In 2021 the Nonpalidece celebrated their 25th Anniversary, touring throughout Argentina and Mexico.
They are currently about to release the album with all their greatest hits, celebrating quarter century of their music journey.
Nonpalidece is without a doubt one of the most beloved reggae bands and with the greatest call in Argentina, with solid foundations throughout Latin America. An undisputed reference and a clear exponent of the roots reggae movement in the region.